A Pleiadian Message: Aligning to Truth & Knowledge
Beloved ones, we greet you. We are here at this time to witness you as you open up to the unlimited new opportunities that have been revealed to you since the shift at the time of the New Year. In the...
View ArticleWorld Peace is Happening
1. There is state available to all of us where there are no questions and no answers, the state of knowing. From this perspective fear loses its hold on us. Have you ever asked yourself why bad things...
View ArticleComing Home to Authenticity
Five years ago I was lost in a sea of darkness, completely disconnected from my authenticity. I was struggling at the end of a 20-year relationship to make it work for the sake of our children. My...
View ArticleA Pleiadian Message: The Seeds of Truth
Beloved ones, we greet you. You enter this month with another set of dimensional frequency changes. There is a new purpose activated on your planet, and we hold a platform for each one of you as you...
View ArticleChoose Love In Every Moment
If I could share 500 words to inspire, this is the important wisdom I’d want to pass along to others. Your every thought, word and action spring from either love or fear. The nature of your choices...
View ArticleChange, Truth and The Way Forward
An excerpt from the introduction of The Book of Truth Now the first thing we wish to attend to in this instruction is a belief that things will not change. If you all attend to yourselves for a moment,...
View ArticleThe Wisdom of the Universe
With photographer Sherr Robertson, excerpts from The Wisdom of the Universe Why is it that what you fear, you attract? Because “all physical life functions in accordance with natural Laws, and the...
View ArticleFrom the Heart: The Word and the Womb
How much should you tell other people about what is really important to you? Should you broadcast your dreams to everyone in hopes that others will honor your intentions and support you? Or would you...
View ArticleUnite We Rise – A Glimpse…
We dive into our false narratives and limiting beliefs that are holding us back and keeping us in bondage. We remove the lenses of illusion through which we were seeing the world. We enter in the realm...
View ArticleChange Begins from Within
An excerpt from Two Minutes from the Abyss You are like a magnet. When your polarity changes, you automatically attract change. Change starts from within, going out in concentric circles. The strongest...
View ArticlePolitical Yoga
Yoga: The Sanskrit word for “Union.” In the West, often meant to imply the union of body, mind and spirit to become a whole person. It happened on November 29, 2016. On this day, three weeks after the...
View ArticleFrom the Heart: Fear is the Liar
I recently watched a touching documentary, Tea with the Dames, an intimate chat between four legendary British actresses — Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Joan Plowright and Eileen Atkins — all of whom have...
View ArticleA Pleiadian Message: Let Go, Just Be during These Changing Times
Beloved ones, we greet you. We, the Pleiadians, are currently living out our own incarnation within this Universe. As part of our mission, in this lifetime we are to bring the teachings held within the...
View ArticleA Love Letter from the In Between
This is dedicated to you. This you is someone who has had one or more in-depth spiritual practices, teachers or paths — experiences that, for one reason or another, ended. On this day, 5/31/19 at 8:34...
View ArticleA Monthly Affirmation: ‘I Express My Truth’
Each of us experiences a personal truth that belongs to us alone. It is subjective and unique. I invite you to use the affirmation, “I express my truth,” to continually make choices in the ever-present...
View ArticleAn Interview With C. Norman Shealy, M.D., PH.D.
What was the most sacred moment you have had in your life? Dr. Norman Shealy: The birth of our first child. Why are you optimistic about the future of humanity in this time of uncertainty and fear?NS:...
View ArticleThe Power of Spiritual Integrity
In beauty is truth. In this simple statement is found all the power that you will ever need in life. Find what is beautiful for you and you will find your own truth. Find your own truth, and you will...
View ArticleThree New Chakras
Today I will speak about the three new chakras. The three new chakras are located above your head and are gold, pearl or pearl essence, and blue/green. At the moment, this magical addition to your...
View ArticleThe Red Drum
Your heart – a red drum. Taut leather bound to the infinite shape of a circle, seeks the music of other beating hearts. Sound changes, when a strong wind blows, when the leather is rain-soaked, when...
View ArticleSpirit Leaves: Authentic Beauty
There will be time, there will be time To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet… — T.S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Raised in the old energies, I worked to perfect my persona,...
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